PETRIFIED WOOD Handpolished Stone Crystal from Madagascar

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PETRIFIED WOOD Handpolished Stone Crystal from Madagascar
Beautiful hand cut stones of petrified wood. These stones are approximately 120 million years old. Petrified wood originated from fossil wood, in which all organic materials have been replaced by minerals. As a result, the structure of the wood has been beautifully preserved. This listing is for ONE Petrified Stone. You will get one stone from the pictures. Each stone weights around 15 grams / 0.53 Oz. Average size is 3.2 cm / 1.26 inches. ✨ Petrified Wood ✨ Petrified Wood, which is also known as Fossilized Wood or Agatized Wood, forms when a tree has died and silicon dioxide forms in place of the wood that degrades until there is no wood left, only Quartz. It works with the Root and Sacral Chakras to bring wonderful healing energies to both physical and emotional issues. Many people like Petrified Wood for its ancient energies, lending to enhanced past-life work. Petrified Wood teaches us patience and helps us to understand how to allow life to evolve in perfection. Working with its grounding energies can encourage one to live life as a spiritual being within this physical realm. Many people like to use Petrified Wood to help connect with the energies of the Earth. Petrified Wood is a great way for city dwellers to keep the vibrations of nature near in the concrete jungle. Meditation with Petrified Wood may take you back to connect with a time when your Spirit was cradled by Nature. Carry Petrified Wood with you when you feel disconnected from Nature. Petrified wood carries a vast sense of time and the wisdom that comes along with it. As an everyday stone, it’s great to pick up when you need to be more grounded and steady. For more in-depth work, petrified wood can be used to heal family patterns rooted in the past. These stones are connected to both the root chakra (grounding) and the third eye chakra (the center of insight, awareness, & awakening). This gives petrified wood its ability to help you translate spiritual insight and awareness into real change in your physical life. Energetic patterns of trauma get passed down from generation to generation and can exert profound effects on you. Growing up with them as part of your family system, they can feel normal to you. You don’t even realize they are affecting you negatively. They can show up as limiting beliefs that you find it difficult to get past no matter how hard you try. You can find yourself stuck in the same belief systems or hitting the same barrier over and over in your efforts to create the life you want. Petrified wood helps you access both past life memories and the Akashic records. Both can help you recognize and release the energetic patterns that have been passed down through your DNA. You will then be free to determine your personal beliefs for yourself, and choose the ones that work for you. This frees up an immense amount of energy and creativity that you can apply to manifest your dreams and goals! Petrified wood is intimately connected with transformation, evolution, and staying the course. When you feel “uprooted” due to a transition or rapid transformation, petrified wood can help you regain a sense of stability from the inside out. It can also help with overall physical stamina and perseverance if the change you are experiencing is stressful or overwhelming. Nurturing Your Root Chakra Petrified wood has a nurturing & healing energy that makes it a wonderful stone for root chakra healing. Imbalances in the root chakra can lead to feeling spaced out, disconnected, and feeling insecure around safety and basic needs. Petrified wood provides a sense of being calm and centered while helping you to resolve the underlying imbalance. This stone helps you feel embodied and present in your life. while reconnecting with your instinctual knowing and the deep parts of your soul that you may have lost touch with. It makes an excellent companion for ancestor work. Petrified wood harmonizes well with the minerals it is composed of, which is usually quartz.
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Product Category Minerals & Gemstones
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