Frequently Asked Questions

  • When can I expect my package ? / Wanneer kan ik mijn pakket verwachten?

    Delivery times vary depending on your location and the shipping method chosen. Orders are typically shipped within 2 business days. Once shipped, you'll receive a tracking number to monitor your package's progress. Please note that shipping times may be affected by customs processing and local postal delays, which are beyond our control. For the most up-to-date information, use your tracking number on your local or national postal service's website once your package enters your country.



    De levertijd hangt af van je locatie en de gekozen verzendmethode. Bestellingen worden doorgaans dezelfde werkdag verzonden via PostNL. Zodra je bestelling is verzonden, ontvang je een track & trace-nummer waarmee je de voortgang van je pakket kunt volgen. Houd er rekening mee dat de levertijd beïnvloed kan worden door douaneverwerking en lokale postvertragingen, waar wij geen controle over hebben. Voor de meest actuele informatie kun je je track & trace-nummer gebruiken op de website van je lokale of nationale postdienst zodra het pakket je land heeft bereikt.
  • What methods of payment are accepted?

    InnerMind accepts PayPal, as well as major credit cards, Direct Checkout, IDEAL, bank transfers.
    InnerMind accepteert Paypal en alle bekende creditkaarten alsmede IDEAL banktransacties. 
  • Additional information

  • What are the advantages of incorporating a large amount of metal shavings in orgonite?

    Using metal shavings in orgonite is beneficial because metals conduct energy effectively. When combined with resin, these shavings help convert negative energy into positive, cleanse, and balance the surrounding energy. More metal shavings improve interaction with the resin and amplify the crystals' effects, enhancing energy healing and spiritual practices. Additionally, metals like copper, brass, and aluminum protect against electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from electronic devices and increase the orgonite's durability. While these benefits are based on metaphysical beliefs, many find that metal shavings enhance orgonite’s effectiveness for healing and spiritual work.

  • Why do you use aluminium in your orgonite ?

    For a good orgonite you need a lot of metal shavings for it to work properly. The aluminum that is present in my orgonites is made of residual material and is therefore being recycled. It is a good conductor and cheaper and lighter than copper. In addition, aluminum offers effective protection against electromagnetic radiation, because the stronger a material conducts, the better the shielding ability is.

  • Why is clear quartz necessary in orgonite?

    Clear quartz is crucial in orgonite because it enhances its energetic properties through the piezoelectric effect. When combined with metal shavings and resin, clear quartz crystals generate a small electrical charge when subjected to pressure, which helps amplify and balance the energy field. This piezoelectric effect facilitates the transformation of negative energy into positive energy, boosting the orgonite's effectiveness in cleansing and harmonizing environments. Additionally, clear quartz contributes to the overall durability and functionality of the orgonite, making it a vital component for enhancing its benefits in energy healing and spiritual practices.

  • Returns and exchange details

    I dont accept cancellations but feel free to contact me. I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you are not happy with your item, please let me know so we can work something out. If for some reason you wish to return an (unworn & clean) item, please let me know so I can approve the return. Please note that after items are inspected, I will refund the purchase price of the item, not the cost of shipping. Thus to be clear, buyers are responsible for return postage costs. If the item is not returned in its original condition, the buyer is responsible for any loss in value. Custom made items cannot be returned.
    Ik wil dat je helemaal tevreden bent met je aankoop. Als je niet blij bent met wat je hebt gekocht, laat het me weten zodat we iets kunnen uitwerken. Als je iets wilt retourneren (ongebruikt en schoon), laat het me dan weten zodat ik het kan goedkeuren. De aankoop wordt terugbetaald zodra het product terug ontvangen is in nieuwe conditie. De verzendkosten worden niet terug betaald. Op maat gemaakte bestellingen kunnen niet geretourneerd worden.